Coffee Morning in the Parish Hall, Shuttington 1st Monday in the month 10.30 to 12.30. All welcome. (postponed to the following week if it falls on a bank holiday) Next Coffee Morning 6th February.
Other Regular Events
Austrey Archery Group Saturdays from 10 to 12 in the Parish Hall during the winter months and outside on the field in the summer. Do come along and you will be given a warm welcome
Heart of England Whippet Racing Club Racing from mid March until late October/early November 1.30 Saturdays
Catholic Mass - St Michael and St James, Haunton, Nr Tamworth, B79 9HL Mass is held at 12.15pm on the first Saturday of each month.. All other Saturdays of the month a Eucharistic Service is held at 10.00 am.
Statfold Barn Railway Various events throughout the year. See website for details.