Alvecote Place Concerns
At the parish council meeting on Monday 14th January it was agreed to provide some bullet points summarising some of our concerns in Shuttington & Alvecote about this proposal to construct up to 1540 houses off Robey's Lane.. This list in the downloadable "Alvecote Place Concerns" file on this page is not exhaustive, but is a starting point which you can use if you wish as a basis for your comments on the application. Comments must be submitted by Saturday 16th February and can be submitted online by clicking on this link PAP/2018/0755. |
A public exhibition was organised by Fisher German to inform local residents about a proposed residential development on land adjoining the Parish Hall.
Fisher German have been instructed by the landowners to prepare and submit a planning application for residential development on the site. The site has been promoted through the emerging North Warwickshire Local Plan process and consequently a draft allocation for residential development has been secured. Make sure that your comments are sent to NWBC Planning department once a detailed planning application is submitted. |
A planning application has now been submitted to North Warwickshire Borough Council for 400-500 houses on land close to Alvecote nature reserve& woods, as the first phase of a POTENTIAL FURTHER 1000-1500 houses, all adjacent to Robeys Lane, Alvecote& the B5000.
We would be very grateful if you could take a look at this planning application and put in your own thoughts about it. Yes the country needs housing, but is this the place for it? There is a VERY SHORT consultation period, which ended on 21ST JUNE, so please don't delay. However, it seems that comments can still be submitted after this date and will be taken into account. Comments can be made concerning the 'MEANINGFUL GAP' which should exist between the settlements of Polesworth and Tamworth and which this application contravenes and also on the lack of INFRASTRUCTURE (no schools, GP surgeries or services) in the plan at all. TRAFFIC from this development (potentially around 1000 extra cars) will feed on to the B5000 Glascote Road and through Shuttington and Amington - all roads which are already struggling to cope with the existing volume of traffic. Shuttington has already seen a large volume of construction traffic for the Amington developments passing illegally through the village and you can imagine how Alvecote and Shuttington would suffer during the construction of the Robey's Lane housing.. |
What is planned for Robey's Lane?
You can read the developer's vision document by clicking on the Tamworth Borough Council website here. |
This page is dedicated to information that can be used to help construct responses and comments to current planning applications in the Parish and planning matters relating to the Parish. While this information may be useful it is not intended to replace your own opinions or dictate what should go in your responses.